Friday, December 7, 2012

The Benefits of Master Resale Rights

Master resale rights products are the bigger brother of private label rights. They carry the same benefits, in fact even more benefits once you learn the power of them, and they can dramatically affect your bottom line.

In this article you will understand how to leverage other people's time, effort, and knowledge by buying MRR products rather than just regular PLR products.

The benefits of master resale rights

Private label rights products only give you the rights for personal use and to resell them to customers. With MRR you actually give your customers the rights to resell the entire package to their customers. This adds another way for people to make money, which will ultimately give you visitors more incentive to buy from you. Increasing conversions will make you more money, even if your traffic stays the same.

Think of it this way. Your visitors come to your squeeze page, they sign up for a free course on building websites. On the thank you page you offer them a training course that normally sells for $179 for only $27 (this is a master resale rights product that you purchase). They purchase it because they know that they can learn from it and if they apply the tactics within that they will make money with it. They also know that because you are offering MRR they will also have the rights to sell it. So instead of the traditional affiliate program of making 50% or 75% from promoting a specific product, they can get 100%. It's just more incentive to purchase.

Is buying master resale rights necessary?

While it definitely has its advantages as mentioned above, it is not necessary to make a lot of money in internet marketing. Private label rights is usually sufficient for most people because you get the benefit of being able to edit any and all content of a product and be able to sell it to other people.

A strategy that I use that works well is this: Giveaway a quality PLR product for free to build a list. On the thank you page have a one-time offer for a high-quality PLR training course. Sell it for under $10. You'll now have a list of buyers that you can sell an even higher end PLR product to on the backend through email follow up messages. But now it gets fun. Offer your list (both freebies and paid) the opportunity to make money from you by referring people to your squeeze page. They will get paid 100% on the front end product and 50% of the backend. Your list will grow quickly and naturally without any additional work on your part, and you will be making money on the back end. Pretty cool huh?

The main component of this strategy is to generate traffic to your free offer and finding quality PLR and master resale rights products to promote. The first problem is solved with either paid or free options which thousands of books have been written on, but the second is an easy solution.

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   

Building Your Self Help Book Business - Monetizing Product Systems

Most business or life coaches have a variety of products for sale. If you don't, now is the time to start. When looking at your coaching products you must think of a chess game as you create them... always thinking a few moves ahead. Products shouldn't be created arbitrarily, but thought out with purpose. The purpose being it's inclusion as part of a "system." This is a mindset that marketers and business people need to get used to thinking about.

Customers like systems. It creates the illusion of a whole product library that takes their problems from discovery to solutions. With a system, the customer needs no other resource to accomplish the goals they have set. It's an all-in-one presentation that also holds value. A system can be made up of CD's, DVD's, books, e-books, software, MP3 downloads and coaching time. You can demand a much higher price for a system because everything's included.

A system is part of a successful marketing funnel. Even small giveaways such as a free eBook can have links within it to lead visitors from product to product, smaller products growing gradually into larger ones until a system becomes the ultimate choice. Just the word 'system' sounds like an all inclusive training package that in the customer's mind, will provide all the necessary tools for them to accomplish whatever goals they have. Systems equal 'solutions' in the mind of your customers. they feel as if they need nothing else to attain their goals. You see this kind of marketing all the time, especially in television commercials. if the customer can get everything they need in one place, why would they look anywhere else?

A system is made up of possibly dozens of individual products.... each one being created, marketed and sold on its own. That's why you have to think ahead. For each new CD, book or DVD that you make, create it for a possible inclusion into a complete system down the road. You can make a fortune selling these info products one-by-one, and then put them all together into a complete system that becomes your flagship product... a calling card of your business. So, when making your products right now... think way ahead. Think about each of those products being part of a greater whole and how they can fit together in the future. With this mindset, you have set the future of your business success.

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   Info Product Creation in Businesses Today   

Online Products to Make and Sell

Imagination is the limiting factor when it comes to creating online products. When the attention is turned to selling these products, the ultimate purpose is to do so successfully and this means starting an internet business. A PDF (Portable Document Format) on 'How to Cure a Limping Ladybird' may well make interesting reading, but it is unlikely to have a large audience, and thus result in the desired amount of sales. Therefore it is best to concentrate on developing a product for which there is demand, and preferably to which we can apply our knowledge.

People buy all kinds of things whether or not they need them. Creating a product that people both want and need would be ideal. One may want to focus on a popular niche, e.g. Improve Your Golf and Take Your Opponent by Surprise, How to Reduce Scars from Spots, Feeding Your Dog to Optimize Its Health, etc. All the former involve popular niches. The key to marketing a niche related product successfully is to focus on a product which has little competition, but which is still popular.

For those new to selling and particularly selling online, starting with a digital product would make sense. There are a number of these to choose from. The largest market place for digital products to check out is ClickBank ( Getting familiar with the site makes it easy to find out answers to important questions, such as how popular a product is, how many are selling, what it is about, average percentage per sale, etc.

Selling a digital product makes the rest of the process easier than selling a physical product for several reasons. Once it has been purchased access to the product is effectively immediate. This removes packaging, visiting the post office and mailing, and the normal associated time and monetary costs of these activities. In addition there is no need to keep stock, and to have or rent additional space for this purpose.

Selling a digital product can be done single-handedly, thus keeping further costs down, as well as remaining more independent when it comes to running a business by not having to rely on anyone else. Selling somebody else's product is advantageous in that it does not involve Customer Care, thus making it possible to concentrate primarily on selling and marketing.

There are two types of online products - digital and physical. EBooks and PDFs are the most common digital products. In them links to Affiliate Products can be included. This has the potential to increase earnings beyond the price of the book alone. An example of this would be including a link to a cream that reduces scarring with regards to acne, a book on foods for beautiful skin, etc. Individuals desperate to get rid of acne are willing to acquire things that could free them of it. Getting rid of acne, becoming slimmer, healthier, more beautiful/attractive, salvaging a relationship, etc. are all topics that sell. Everyone can identify with this scenario, i.e. searching for a solution to a problem.

In eBooks links to YouTube videos, or anything else that can benefit the reader can also be included. To take this one step further, it is an idea to accompany an eBook by an audio that can be listened to whilst ironing, driving a car, etc. Many people like to do more than one thing at a time. To fully grasp any information it needs to be repeated several times.

Video is the most popular way of obtaining information. Seeing how something is done makes it a whole lot easier than translating text to the required actions. YouTube alone is living proof of how popular this kind of information is.

EBooks, audio/music, and videos all form digital products. Some are made of a combination of two or three different formats, so offering the user more flexibility and choice.

To summarise there are various kinds of online products to make and sell. They fall into two main categories either digital, or physical. It is possible to start selling someone else's product pretty much immediately with marketing knowhow. The returns are bigger when selling one's own product, as is the potential work load. Selecting the right market is one of the most important keys.

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   Info Product Creation in Businesses Today   

Creating Simple Information Products That Will Sell Online - Keep It Simple For Best Results

Creating information products does not have to be a complicated process, and your products should also contain information that is simple and direct. Remember that many people are just getting started with an online business, and need simple products they can easily consume. When you are creating your info product, be sure to think about the person who is most likely to benefit from the information you have to share.

During my first couple of years online I purchased many products that simply went over my head. I yearned for information that was concise and taught me just what I needed to know at that time. Now I realize that the product creators were trying to develop the best product possible, and didn't even think about someone like me. I know I was not alone in feeling like I was on information and technology overload.

So, how do you make sure you are creating products that will be helpful to the people you are trying to reach? Ask them. Yes, that's right. Send out a survey to your list, ask people on the social media sites, and host a teleseminar to see how much your audience knows and what they would like to learn.

You already have the knowledge and the skills to create products that people will buy. Now it's time to take action and get to work creating them.

Start with an outline. This is how each of my products started. I now have more than twenty for sale and available on the Internet, so I know this method works. I divide my outline into three or four parts to make it more manageable and to see if I will teach the course in one session or more. It is also at this point that I am going to make the decision as to whether it will be a live course, an evergreen training program, or some other format that makes sense for what I want to accomplish.

The sales letter is next. Start with a headline that jumps out at your target audience. Writing the sales letter while you are creating the product may sound counterintuitive, but it actually makes sense. Your product will be better when you do it this way, and as you write your bullet points and other copy you will be able to add even more to your outline.

Information product creation is something you can do on a regular basis to build your online business and increase your income over time.

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   Info Product Creation in Businesses Today   Sunless Tanning Products   

Product Creation Success: Develop a Powerful Product Funnel

If you're growing your product creation business, you need to develop a powerful funnel. Your ebooks and other materials are more powerfully attractive to your customers if they fill their growing needs.

Your marketing funnel also keeps your customers loyal to you.

If your funnel has been properly constructed, your customers will buy not just one but many products from you. Let's look at how you might develop a powerful product funnel.

Think about what the funnel looks like. It's quite broad, slopes down, and then narrows quite sharply. This illustrates that when you develop your funnel, you need to have one or several low-priced, popular ebooks to offer your customers. These ebooks (or other materials) should provide great value.

Here are some tips which will help you to develop your funnel.

1. Go Beyond the Obvious: Add Value

When creating your funnel, especially the first products which will be low-priced, you need to go beyond the obvious and make those products huge value.

Buying the your eBook should be a no-brainer for your target market.

There are various ways to add value. For example, you can add a video program to any book, or you can create the entire package as a course and send it out on DVD and with hard copy as well.

You wouldn't make very much money on this initial offering. However your aim with these high-value initial offering is not to make a huge profit. It's to build your funnel.

2. Your Next Product Helps Your Customers Take the Next Step

When you're constructing a funnel, you want as many customers to enter it as possible. All your customers should be in the same niche. That is, if your first eBook is in the health area, you wouldn't expect those customers to be interested in a business ebook.

Ideally, you'd plan your entire funnel before you created the first product. However, most product producers don't think in terms of creating a set of materials.

If you've already created several ebooks, think about how you could convert them into a product funnel.

3. Boost the Value With Coaching

Many people buy information in eBook form and never get full value. They find the eBook too challenging, and because they don't have someone who's willing to help them, they give up on their dream.

Therefore, customer service needs to be a huge part of your business. Your customers are buying your materials for a reason, and you need to help them to get the results they want.

Have your customer service set up well so that you respond in a timely manner to any enquiries. Add additional materials to help your customers, and your customer list will grow.

All your materials can work together. Once you've got your funnel set up properly, you'll just need to promote your initial offerings to ensure huge success.

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   Info Product Creation in Businesses Today   Hiring Manufacturing Services To Compete In A Cutthroat Industry   

Making The Most Of Your Manufacturing Services

The electronics industry is one of the most competitive in the business world today. Indeed, new electronic devices and gadgets are released on an annual or semi-annual basis. These new products have also established a new standard in the industry that makes manufacturing services a must for small businesses who want to stay on top of the competition.

The production of electronic equipments or gadgets is a costly procedure. Hence, this explains why a lot of companies have opted to hire an electronic manufacturing service that can handle the job for them. In fact, there are some companies that offer customized services to suit the specific needs of the company. Having said that, it is important to properly communicate your unique set of requirements to the service provider to ensure that they can build something to meet your standards.

If you have already chosen one amongst many electronic manufacturing services that you have screened for the job, it is important to learn how you can make the most out of their service. This will enable you to make the most out of your investment so your business can enjoy the rewards later on. You must be able to provide what the service provider needs from you. If you had been involved in product design and manufacturing before, then you must be aware that there are several aspects involved here including testing, product packaging, quality and inventory control, product support.

To make the entire contract work out as smoothly as possible, you must identify what are the things that your electronic manufacturing service provider needs from you. You need to start by identifying vital aspects of running your business, such as inventory method, turn-key, consignment and partial consignment. You must also provide important details during the manufacturing process that include sample board assembly, PCB drawings, production release quantities, and test requirements or procedures (which are designed to meet the requirements of the target market). The more information you can provide, the better it is for the service provider to accurately deliver the quality of service you want from them.

Electronic manufacturing services are equipped with machinery and other tools that you need during the production process. Availing of this service allows your business to gain access to these machineries for a reasonable price, especially since it is bundled along with the service. You must leverage this type of service in order to produce better quality electronic products in the market.

These companies are also made up of expert professionals with a wide range of skills and experience when it comes to electronic products manufacturing. It can deliver all sizes or types of product, whether small, medium, or large scale. It is therefore something that you can take advantage of regardless of whether you want to lower your production cost, minimize risks, improve quality of your products, or if you simply want to achieve better results in your production process.

Professional manufacturing services no doubt offer a useful solution for companies who are looking to release new electronic products. The times are changing and the industry is becoming more and more competitive by the day. Hence, you can leverage these services to gain that competitive edge.

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   Info Product Creation in Businesses Today   Hiring Manufacturing Services To Compete In A Cutthroat Industry   

How To Do Market Research - How To Find Your Niche!

This is where it all starts! The idea, the thought of going into business of your own. What are you going to promote or sell? Well if you already have an idea, that's good. But if not-then have no fear! With market research or niche marketing, I'm going to show you how you can possibly stumble across a unique brand or niche to promote online with enormous success. Here's how it works:

Market research, or niche marketing, is simply a process of collection and analysis of data for the purpose of study of the requirements of specific markets, acceptability of products, target market and competition and methods of developing and exploiting new markets.

The one key is keywords. The other is the competition. Because you don't want to have to compete with a million other websites of your niche, and you certainly don't want to have to compete with the "big dogs."So what are you going to do? Here are 4 methods that will aid you in an effective market research to where you can find that one unique niche.

Google AdWords: It use to be that one way of doing market research was just starting a Google AdWords campaign with pay-per-click(PPC), and you would be able to determine what keywords is getting you good traffic, providing of course that your campaign was a successful one. With Google AdWords you're having to pay every time someone clicks on your ad. But the Internet is always changing and things isn't what it use to be years ago. Now there's a way to perform market research that is free!

Keyword Search: If you have an idea of what your niche is going to be, then just do a simple keyword search. One tool you can use is Google Keyword Tool, which is a free tool. Just sign-in enter a keyword and it will show you a list of other keywords you can use depending on two things: The number of search, and the competition. You want the search volume to be high, but the competition to be very low. Once you locate a keyword with more than 1,000 searches per month, and at the same time the competition is at its lowest-then you may have discovered what I call a "potential website keyword." In other words, a potential niche that you can center your whole website around, and get started. (A little more on that later.)

Amazon Bestsellers: Another market research strategy is the use of Amazon has emerge to one of the biggest places online where you can find what people are looking for when it comes to information. So just go to the books section in Amazon, select a category, then select at the top the word "Bestseller." Now you have an idea of what people are interested in. Take notice of something that you can use as a niche to promote as a product, service, or information to sell online. Now your potential niche becomes a keyword to do a keyword search as described above.

Trends: What are the current trends? What are people talking or asking questions about? Trends can be an effective market researching strategy as well, if you can get an idea on what's the next hot thing that people are going to want in their hands. Just remember, the Xbox, the iPod, and the Macbook, as an example, were all just a trend at one time. Once you get an idea, again, do your keyword search. The best way to keep up with trends are website like Blogpulse dot com/trend. Here you can follow what people are talking about and Technorati keeps up with the latest technology in electronics.

Building Your Site: The first thing you want to do is make your keyword part of your domain. You are now going to build your whole brand around that one "killer" keyword, due to good research marketing. You can use your site to sell a product, services, or information? Whatever you decide, I would suggest that you create a blog with your site and off-the-bat, write 3-5 articles on your niche, using your main keyword and start driving traffic to your new site.

Even though market research takes time and effort, it is all well-spent, because sometimes you may be surprise as to what you will decide on a niche. So get busy and go find your "killer" niche today!

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   

Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content

When creating info products, it's possible to take basically the same content and create multiple products from it.

Keep in mind that different people have different preferred learning modes. Some people like to read, some like to listen, some like to watch and some like to experience something live (like a seminar). There is nothing wrong with taking the same content and repurposing it into different formats (audio, video, print). This allows people to pick the format that they like best - and if they happen to buy the same content in more than one format, then the different formats can help them to retain the information better. Studies have repeatedly shown that multiple modes of learning results in greater information retention. Also, within each format, you can create different levels of depth. As the information becomes more detailed (or more "niched") the price goes up.

Another idea is to go through content you've already created, pull out one specific piece and then create a new product out of that. You can also see if some of your content would lend itself to being a series.

Gaining Leverage

When creating content from scratch, it's a good idea to do your keyword research before you start writing anything. Then, you can map out different formats and decide on the level of depth for each one.

For example, let's say you wanted to create a piece of content about managing stress. A quick look in the Google AdWords keyword research tool reveals the following monthly search numbers:

stress management 246,000

managing stress 33,100

manage stress 27,100

Obviously, it would be a much better idea to use the term "stress management" as your keyword than the much less-searched term "manage stress".

Once you know your main keyword and have the basic idea for your new content, you can then write the following pieces:

- an in-depth article for your website

- a blog post containing a summary, referencing and linking to the article

- a video on that topic you can post to YouTube to drive some traffic to it

- an audio recording of the article you can upload to podcasting sites

...and so on.

Clever conversions

If you have an audio program on CD, give it to a sound engineer to combine all the tracks into one file and make an MP3 for you. If you have a DVD, have the video converted to an MP4 file. Have your audios and videos transcribed and turned into printed or electronic transcripts. Maybe pull some pieces from the transcriptions and make a downloadable special report or create an e-book.

With a little creativity and some careful planning, you can often squeeze more from an idea than you may have thought possible, while at the same time expanding your line of info products.

Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   

Trading Knowledge For Success in the Futures Market

Greatness is a product of hard work

Proper trading knowledge is the key to success in the futures market. You can go all the way back to the Bible, and it will inform you about the importance of wisdom. Proverbs tells us that wisdom is the principle thing, and to go get wisdom and understanding. All of the great traders and investors throughout history worked hard at acquiring the knowledge necessary to become elite. This is how they made fortunes trading the various markets. There is no shortcut to becoming a world-class trader.

Study and learn as much as you can

If you want to achieve success in the futures market, you simply must put in the time and effort necessary to acquire the proper trading knowledge. Success comes from knowing, and following proven, fixed rules. Those who lack knowledge usually guess, or follow the advice of television personalities. This is a certain recipe for disaster. Successful trading has nothing to do with luck. Learn from the world's best traders and investors, past and present. This includes William J. O'Neil, Jesse Livermore, and W.D. Gann. Read their books. Study their strategies, methods, and principles. Implement what you learn into your own trading.

Do not base your trading decisions on emotions

One of the biggest mistakes new traders, and even experienced ones make, is to be influenced by emotions such as fear, greed, and hope. One way to remedy this, is to implement a successful trading plan that fits your personality. If you only follow signals directly from your plan, it will help you to trade only on facts, and not emotions. Do not underestimate the importance of proper trading psychology. It is a major part of your overall trading knowledge that will lead to success in the futures market.

Charts will give you great information

If you properly study the price movements and volume on a chart, they will tell you more about what is going on than any analyst, television personality, or broker. Charts are an excellent source of past history, with clues to future price movements. There are several recurring price patterns proven to be successful over many decades. My personal favorite is the flat base pattern. I have traded it successfully for over 20 years. Price and volume analysis is absolutely crucial if you want to be a consistently successful trader. You want to judge a commodity, stock, or any general market by its action.

How to successfully trade

Following a clear trend is one of the major keys to making a lot of money trading the various markets. If a market is in a trading range, have the patience to wait until it clearly breaks resistance or support. Then go with the flow of the market. Do not buck the trend. Remember to always practice sound money management. This can be achieved by strategically placing stops immediately after you take a position. Once the market goes your way, implement trailing stops to protect profits. You must practice sound judgement throughout the entire process. This comes from proper trading knowledge and experience. You can become a consistent winner in the futures market or the stock market.

Understanding the Basics of Futures Options   Commodity Trading Tips   Greek Default Imminent   Answering Fundamental Questions on Spread Betting   Investing in Futures Options   Trading Futures Options for Profit   


RSS feeds are web content packagers which aggregate all of the content from a particular website, service, blog, etc. into one condensed feed. Internet users can select which RSS feeds they are interested in and read them in a software which aggregates their various feeds into one easy to read and access list. RSS feeds enable people to keep up with their favorite websites quickly without their having to visit all of their favorite sites one by one.

It also lets people pick and choose which content they want to read because they can quickly see the headlines of the latest topics from all of their favorite sites to see if it's worth their time to actually read it.

RSS feeds are great for people, but they're even better for webmasters like you, so let's cut right to the chase and talk about the various benefits of RSS SEO.


The first aspect of RSS SEO is traffic; having an RSS feed for your site is a great way to get more traffic coming to your site. You may ask that if someone is receiving your feed and can read your content on there, then why would they actually visit your site, or in other words you'll get LESS traffic by providing an RSS feed.

This can happen in some cases, but you can make the RSS feed work in your favor by only showing a fragment or summary of your post so that people can decide whether or not they want to read it and have to come to your site to see the whole thing. The same goes for video content; you can't display video content in an RSS so people would need to visit your site to see any helpful videos you have made.

The point is is that some people only use RSS feeds and refuse to visit websites manually habitually, so providing a feed and giving them the summary can make them click through to your site to where they can fall in love with your content for that day, share it, link to it from their site perhaps. Plus it's another source of traffic to tap to make money from if you're including affiliate links in your posts.


Another big point where RSS SEO comes into play is the fact that you can create RSS feeds on various RSS websites like RSS Micro or Feedage to create backlinks to your content on your site OR to create backlinks to your backlinks off of your site.

You have to remember that just because you create a backlink to your site doesn't necessarily mean that Google will find it.

Because creating and getting backlinks is the best way to dominate the search engines and enjoy all of the spoils which comes with it, you want to do everything that you can to get your backlinks recognized.

The problem is that there are millions if not billions of new backlinks being created every day, so there's no guarantee that Google will see it so you can help them out by creating backlinks to your backlinks off of your site through methods like RSS feeds and bookmarks to them to help Google notice them and give you the credit for the link.

Valuable Optimization Tips for Online Entities   Why Keywords Are Essential to SEO   Search Engine Optimization for Beginers   5 Theories To Why Your SEO Strategy Fails   Don't Let Your Content Disappoint Your Website   

Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps

Today I want to further highlight how breaking out of the intensive care environment can create a virtuous cycle for all stakeholders. Long-term ventilation with Tracheostomy in ICU is usually a vicious cycle, with ventilator dependency, depression and hospital acquired infection at its core.

We can break out of this vicious cycle and create a virtuous cycle. Home intensive care nursing is an evolving and dynamic alternative for long-term mechanically ventilated adults & children with Tracheostomy and their families and it has become a massive success in other countries, in Europe in particular and I was very fortunate to gain insight and 'hands-on' experience in the Industry in Germany for a number of years.

In order to go the extra mile and create something of value for long-term mechanically ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy and their families, as well as for hospitals and intensive care units, INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME is extending services outside of the traditional intensive care approach, by looking at ways of how innovative and effective alternatives can be created in the context of:

1) Creating a virtuous cycle by dramatically improving quality of life outside of an icu environment - just by taking a long-term ventilated adult or a child with tracheostomy outside of the ICU environment back home, gives them and their family such a boost, with the natural consequence of feeling so much better.

2) Establishing quality of life that is focused around a holistic approach towards the ventilated adult or child in their own home, outside of ICU.

3) Establishing quality of life that is focused not only on the quality of life of the ventilated adult or child, but is also focused on the quality of life of the family- we all know how much time families spend in icu to be with their loved ones and essentially putting their life on hold, whilst feeling very stressed and outside of their comfort zone.

4) Creating and freeing up expensive resources for hospitals and ICU's in particular that can be used for more acute and sick patients that have a much higher need for critical care, in comparison to adults or children who are long-term ventilated with tracheostomy and have little or no quality of life in ICU.

5) Creating win-win situations for long-term ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy, their families, as well as for intensive care units and hospitals, in view of intensive care beds being one of the most expensive resources used in a hospital

6) Creating a quality solution outside of the traditional hospital approach, where intensive care trained nurses can contribute and use their specialist skills to make a massive difference to the quality of life of ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy and their families, whilst maintaining high quality nursing standards in a home care environment that enable the customer's quality of life to be the main focus.

7) Breaking out of the vicious cycle of long- term ventilation in ICU, where long term-ventilation triggers depression and depression causes long- term ventilation. On top of that - more often than not-long-term ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy in intensive care catch a hospital acquired infection that usually prolongs their already expensive stay in intensive care, adding on another loop to the vicious cycle and putting additional costs on to their already long list of expenses.

The list could probably go on and please leave your comments on our blog, as I have put this month's newsletter on our blog, as well as in the newsletter section.

Have a great weekend!

Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps   Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps   

Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps

Today I want to further highlight how breaking out of the intensive care environment can create a virtuous cycle for all stakeholders. Long-term ventilation with Tracheostomy in ICU is usually a vicious cycle, with ventilator dependency, depression and hospital acquired infection at its core.

We can break out of this vicious cycle and create a virtuous cycle. Home intensive care nursing is an evolving and dynamic alternative for long-term mechanically ventilated adults & children with Tracheostomy and their families and it has become a massive success in other countries, in Europe in particular and I was very fortunate to gain insight and 'hands-on' experience in the Industry in Germany for a number of years.

In order to go the extra mile and create something of value for long-term mechanically ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy and their families, as well as for hospitals and intensive care units, INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME is extending services outside of the traditional intensive care approach, by looking at ways of how innovative and effective alternatives can be created in the context of:

1) Creating a virtuous cycle by dramatically improving quality of life outside of an icu environment - just by taking a long-term ventilated adult or a child with tracheostomy outside of the ICU environment back home, gives them and their family such a boost, with the natural consequence of feeling so much better.

2) Establishing quality of life that is focused around a holistic approach towards the ventilated adult or child in their own home, outside of ICU.

3) Establishing quality of life that is focused not only on the quality of life of the ventilated adult or child, but is also focused on the quality of life of the family- we all know how much time families spend in icu to be with their loved ones and essentially putting their life on hold, whilst feeling very stressed and outside of their comfort zone.

4) Creating and freeing up expensive resources for hospitals and ICU's in particular that can be used for more acute and sick patients that have a much higher need for critical care, in comparison to adults or children who are long-term ventilated with tracheostomy and have little or no quality of life in ICU.

5) Creating win-win situations for long-term ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy, their families, as well as for intensive care units and hospitals, in view of intensive care beds being one of the most expensive resources used in a hospital

6) Creating a quality solution outside of the traditional hospital approach, where intensive care trained nurses can contribute and use their specialist skills to make a massive difference to the quality of life of ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy and their families, whilst maintaining high quality nursing standards in a home care environment that enable the customer's quality of life to be the main focus.

7) Breaking out of the vicious cycle of long- term ventilation in ICU, where long term-ventilation triggers depression and depression causes long- term ventilation. On top of that - more often than not-long-term ventilated adults & children with tracheostomy in intensive care catch a hospital acquired infection that usually prolongs their already expensive stay in intensive care, adding on another loop to the vicious cycle and putting additional costs on to their already long list of expenses.

The list could probably go on and please leave your comments on our blog, as I have put this month's newsletter on our blog, as well as in the newsletter section.

Have a great weekend!

Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps   Creating a Virtuous Cycle in 7 Steps   

Income Protection - A Reliable Way To Protect Your Finance

For working people, situation may be there in life when they get sick and have to stay back at home, and getting their disease treated. Most of the people absent from their work suffer from lacking finance. It doesn't only cause the entire dependent family to suffer, but also they lack money to get their ill health treated. In this way, availing an income protection insurance helps very positively to get all the financial stress over. This insurance lets them enjoy a reliable method of financial protection. Also known as PHI or Permanent Health Insurance, this insurance pays a compensation to the insurer unable to work and go to his/her office.

For people who are unable to go to their office due to some sort of sickness, accident or any other inability, income protection appears to be a boon. Under this insurance policy, the provision is to pay you at least 60% of the salary you are drawing currently. Though in some cases, the amount may escalate up to 75% of your salary. The waiting period for which you will have to wait range between 7 days and 12 months. Usually, the minimum period of getting the benefits paid goes up to 4 weeks. Longer waiting period is useful for those who are able to go to office. But too much waiting period can be of huge disadvantage for those in need of urgent medical as well as financial assistance.

To save oneself from such difficulties, the dire need is to buy the insurance policy only from a company which are reputed for their services. Buying income protection insurance needs a lot of consideration, as even little wrong information could let you fall into severe financial problems. Before you end up signing an agreement, decide how much your income you want to protect. And when you are choosing an insurance company, the best way to select one is to do some online research, and compare the features and price of different insurance policies.

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Outdoor Lights for Decoration and Their Uses

The main use of outdoor lights are obviously to illuminate. They are erected in dim places in order to be able to see where you are, what is around you and for safety reasons. This is mainly the criteria for outdoor lighting provided by the authorities, street lighting etc. Although, outside lights for decoration may take the same things into consideration sometimes it's not always necessary, sometimes the lights are purely for decoration.

Use decorative exterior lights to add mood and create atmosphere to an outside space in the evenings, they are easy to install and add that WOW factor to any occasion. Highlight features, add ambience to sitting and social areas, make the most of water features and, if appropriate, advertise!

Types of Exterior Lights for Decoration:

String Lights, fairy lights, globe lights, designer lights.

String Lights are bulbs connected at regular intervals along a low voltage power wire. The bulbs and shades, if they have any, determine their types.

Fairy lights have tiny bulbs and come in an array of colours, multi-colour and a choice of either static or multi-function action. They don't have shades, but some are distinctive by decorative flutes around the bulb neck. Fairy lights are good for both indoors and outdoors, due to their tiny size they are extremely versatile, therefore, popular. They are good for decorating trees, outlining building & features plus constructing free-standing features to name but a few. Globe lights are constructed in the same way as fairy lights but with larger bulbs that are attractive in their own right and don't need to be covered with a shade. Globe lights are usually for use outside unless decorating a particularly large indoor area, which would probably be for commercial use. Globe lights are often connectible so that it is easy to buy just enough for the project they are for. Designer string lighting is available in many sizes and are determined by either an unusual shape of bulb or be shades over the bulbs. String lighting is designed to be adult or child orientated that can follow a theme or not, depicting characters, lanterns, animals, almost anything!

Rope Lights

Static, multi-function Rope lights also known as chasing lights are a string of small bulbs encased in a transparent, flexible, waterproof tube. They have a similar effect to fairy lights but are easier to fix and manipulate for some projects such as constructing words and motif lights.

Rope Motif Lights - image or words on back-board or 3D free-standing. Motif lights can be used to display greetings such as Happy Christmas, or advertising a company name or promotion, or displaying a relevant shape or character. They are available in many lengths, colours and with multi-effects. Curtain and Net Lighting

Curtain and Net Lighting

Curtain Lighting is constructed similar to string lights but the wire holding the bulbs is dropped vertically from the top horizontal wire and back up again at regular intervals, which gives a curtain effect. They come in many different lengths, some straight across the bottom and some have a shaped finish such as a scalloped or ragged bottom line. Net Lighting is also much the same as string lighting but instead of the bulbs being connected to one long string they are connected to a net of power wire. The nets usually have either square or diamond construction and are available in many sizes. They can be place outside over bushes, hedges or features which would be easier than using string lights and give a lovely evenly spaced effect.

Fibre Tip Light - fluffy & effective

Fibre tip lighting really is for prettiness and doesn't really give off a lot of light to actually see by. It's light, fluffy, flows and makes you want to touch and run your hand through it. It's made of minute bulbs that sit at the end of, what looks like soft nylon fibres, that move about and flow with the breeze. They really are very pretty and can give some stunning effects.

Uplights - to highlight trees, patios and features

Uplights to highlight features can look fantastic and some have the capacity to illuminate very large areas. The are very good for commercial use and are often used to highlight the façade of spectacular buildings such as historical event venues where they not only show off buildings features but also light up the surrounding area making it usable during the dark hours. There are also smaller versions that have many uses, they are particularly good when placed to throw light from under a tree which can look stunning and cast wonderful wavering shadows. Uplights can be connected to mains electricity but are ideal for to make use of solar power. Walk Over Uplights to light up patios & walkways are a totally different product but are just the same, uplighting! They are installed flush with the ground and can be walked over, highlighting the usable floor area rather than giving a vast amount of light. As well as marking out space with light they are decorative and add an ambience to and outside social area.

Backlights - to highlight features and create interesting shadows

Backlights are much the same as uplights but smaller and placed from behind features to create interesting shadows.

Downlights - to highlight walkways and social areas

Downlights are really a practical rather than decorative lighting and usually designed to fix on walls and placed to give light to walkways, although they can be used to light up larger activity areas. Many are motion sensitive so just illuminate and area long enough to be able to see the way to tread. Motion sensitive lighting needs to be positioned with thought as placed near trees, the wavering branches can cause them to turn on or flicker.

Path Lights - both decorative and practical

Path lights are usually a low-level lighting with a spreading light marking out pathways and guiding from one place to another. Path lights are available in an array of shapes, colours and sizes and usually come on spikes that can easily be pushed into the ground along side a pathway. If solar lights are used, which are ideal for this purpose, they can be installed in minutes, seconds even!

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Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links

Question and answer (Q&A) websites are extremely popular ways to get advice and information from other Internet users worldwide. They can also help you gain recognition online and promote your website more effectively. On Q&A sites, people can ask questions about various topics. The main benefit of these websites is that they are generally open to the public. Posting useful answers on these sites will increase your website exposure and boost your page rank.

Statistics show that the number of people who use questions as keywords is increasing. Q&A pages rank high in the search results. They have grown in popularity in the last year. There are different ways in which you can use Q&A sites to build some backlinks and increase your search engine rankings. If you usually search for potential link targets manually, these sites can give you new ways to phrase your queries. You can also use them to do keyword research and discover topics for guest posts.

While most Q&A sites tend to be of questionable value for information, they are an excellent resource for webmasters looking to boost their websites' rankings and build inbound links. A link on one of the most popular Q&A sites can be highly valuable for both search engine rankings and traffic. As many of these sites are continuously updated by users, they often rank high in search results. Google is more likely to prioritize these pages in the search rankings rather than old content on other websites.

Many Internet users are typing questions into Google rather than specific words. For example, people may write "Where to find cheap holiday deals?" rather than simply "cheap holiday deals." You can use these data to optimize your site for search engines and provide relevant answers on Q&A sites. You can also use this strategy to expand the online reach of your brand, website, or blog.

Q&A websites can bring you a lot of targeted traffic. Millions of people use these networks to find answers to their everyday problems. Here you can connect with industry experts by locating relevant answers to questions that relate to your niche. In addition to your answers, you can place links within the text in a relevant context. For maximum SEO results, you need to provide the most comprehensive and helpful answers. If your website content is relevant to the question you are answering to, you may add a link to your web pages.

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